Twitter affected by a worm from StockDaily

Twitter has been infected by a worm originating from the owners of the website StalkDaily. Don’t visit this website even to see how it looks like, it may harm your computer. Visiting the Twitter profile of an infected user can lead your profile to become infected as well (some reports say that the worm modifies your ‘About Me’ section to include a link to the worm). Infected users begin to repeatedly spam tweets directing users to the StalkDaily website.

The attack originated early this morning, when a couple of blog posts sprouted up giving details of the worm. It is only now hitting critical mass, with hundreds of related Tweets appearing on Twitter Search in the last few minutes alone. Twitter’s official Spam watching account updated this morning stating that the company was aware of the issue. It also says that the issue had been mostly resolved, and just issued another update stating that it was aware of the worm’s resurgence this afternoon. For the time being, it would probably be better to stick with a third party Twitter client like twhirl, tweetdeck and avoiding viewing profile pages of other people until the company confirms that the issue is resolved. But some say that the attack may have started from one of the third-party twitter applications through which the worm took up the login credentials(username and password).

Twitter has recently claimed that the issue has been fixed. It has tweeted like this:

Update on Worm 36 minutes ago
Earlier today we were informed of a malicious site that was spreading links to on Twitter without user consent via a cross-site scripting vulnerability. We’ve taken steps to remove the offending updates, and to close the holes that allowed this “worm” to spread.

No passwords, phone numbers, or other sensitive information were compromised as part of this attack.

After this update by Twitter, the StockDaily website has stated that it has no involvement with the spamming and infiltrating twitter. It says,

For everyone wondering, I did NOT promote and/or was involved with the spamming ON Twitter. All bad things you are hearing about this site is not true. Please reconsider as I am not the person who did this…StalkDaily is a website that follows the same functions as Twitter, except more advanced How? Well, instead of just adding an “update status”, people can add pictures and videos. Then you can stalk them, so when they upload a video or picture, or comment someone, you’ll know!

Lets hope Twitter remains away from these sort of worms in future.

2 Responses to "Twitter affected by a worm from StockDaily"

troubleshooting computer Says :
April 12, 2009 at 7:45 AM

Just drop by...
interesting news, even though i don't have twitter account.
thanx for the news

aspiring blogger Says :
April 14, 2009 at 7:00 AM

Man you should join twitter right away. If you want to keep up with what's happening around, Twitter is the thing that you should use right away.

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